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The purpose of the Buck Dinner is
to raise funds for peace, justice, equality and
“To give money and moral support to people and organizations
involved in ongoing struggles and who are
unlikely to obtain aid from conventional sources.”

— Maurice Sugar, one of the founders of the Buck Dinner
and a legendary figure in Detroit labor and civil rights communities

The Buck Dinner has funded hundreds of organizations and causes since its beginnings in 1929.
This unique annual gathering in Metro-Detroit, Michigan, has grown to some 800 attendees.
The Buck Dinner raises funds to provide grants to organizations and programs that
work for social justice. In 2020, the Buck Dinner gave away approximately $100,000 in grants
to more than 50 organizations, including 10 organizations that shared a new $50,000 grant
from the Ford Foundation to the Fund for Equal Justice. Read more

Learn how to Apply for a BUCK DINNER grant
Donate: support groups working for Justice & Equality

the next Buck Dinner will be held on Saturday, MAY 10, 2025!

The 94th Buck Dinner was held on Saturday, April 1, 2023 at the IBEW Local 58 Hall.


The Buck Dinner supports peace, justice and equality. The Buck Dinner Committee consists of Headhunters, who invite guests to sit at their table at the dinner and contribute as many bucks as they can. The amount of money available for grants each year depends on the amount generated at the dinner. Donations are also accepted year-round. The 2021 and 2021 Buck Dinners took place VIRTUALLY (watch on YouTube). It was an invitation-only annual event that now streams on the Buck Dinner website and on YouTube. Fundraising continues online and through the mail. A hybrid in-person/virtual Buck Dinner was held on Saturday, April 1, 2023 and on Saturday, April 6, 2024.

The 2025 Buck Dinner will be held on Saturday, May 10.

Several weeks after each year's dinner, the Headhunters gather to review grant applications and make decisions the distribution of funds. The Buck Dinner Committee provides funding for some projects; others are funded by the Fund for Equal Justice, which provides grants eligible for its section 501(c)(3) funds.

Find out about our organization, mission, our methods, and the results of our work. Learn More →


Grant reports for 2024 recipients were due Jan. 31, 2025. If you do not submit a report, you are not eligible for a 2025 grant. Email us for an extension if needed.

Any organization wishing to apply for a grant must do so by using the 2025 Grant Application and Reporting Guidelines are here (word doc) and here is pdf of the application and guidelines. Please submit all applications to: application@buckdinner.org

These must be received no later than May 17, 2025. If you need an extension, send an email request to info@buckdinner.org

All 2024 grant recipients are required to submit a report to reports@buckdinner.org by January 31, 2025, as outlined in the above Grant Application and Reporting Guidelines. Filing this report is required for future grant consideration.


To support the work of the Buck Dinner, click here